John 1st November 2018

My French wife Christine and I were good friends with Odile and Sam during my time at the U.S. Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica. I'm not sure why, but I was thinking about Odile and Sam in the last few days and decided to look on the web to see if I could find anything about their current whereabouts. I was very saddened to read that Sam died in 2012 while serving at the U.S. embassy in Ottawa. I would like to pass on our thoughts to Odile and to let her know that we think about the good times we had in Kingston when we saw each other often. I also feel bad that we lost touch with each other over the years (the occupational hazard of the Foreign Service). But it was lovely to read the well deserved tributes to Sam on the Memorial page. He was a terrific soul -- kind, caring, dedicated to his family (which comprised Odile, Gabrielle, and Sophie when we knew them in our Kingston period, 1979-1981). I retired from the Foreign Service in 1991 and came to Penn State University to do a Ph.D. and to direct the study abroad program. I retired from that position in April 2010. Christine and I have remained in State College PA. Christine suffers from Alzheimer's disease and she attends an excellent daycare program here with a terrific director. Our older daughter Dominique is now a zoo veterinarian located in Tampa FL (Sam and I went up to Florida together a couple of times when we were in Jamaica and hung around the Miami area). Our younger daughter Anne and her boyfriend live with us in State College. I'm not sure Odile will remember us very well, but I would appreciate it if you would pass on our best wishes to her and our hopes that she is doing well. We certainly remember her and the family fondly. It would be great to hear from her. My email is All the best to the whole family, John Keller