Letter from Assistant Secretary Roberta Jackson

Created by Charlotte 11 years ago
The text reads: "It is with great sadness that learned of the death of your husband Sam. I wish to express my deepest condolences. During his nearly 30 years in the Department of State, Sam served the American people around the world at eight posts on four continents, in addition to Washington. Everywhere he served, Sam dedicated himself to our nation's foreign policy goals. You should be proud of his many accomplishments during his years of sterling service; he leaves a wonderful legacy behind, both in his work and in his personal life. Sam will be missed. His colleagues valued him not only for his professional skills, but also for his positive attitude. He will be remembered for his keen intelligence, gentlemanly demeanor, devotion to his family, and commitment to serving his country. I want to thank you, your daughters, and your grandchildren for supporting Sam's service to our nation and again express my deepest sympathies to you and your family.
